How Big Is the Gender Gap Between Men and Women in SEO?

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Posted by NicoleDeLeon To anyone working in SEO, it’s fairly evident that this is a male-dominated industry. Although there are powerful women SEOs in the field (like Moz CEO Sarah Bird, for example), if you glance at a conference speaker lineup or peruse the bylines on search-related blogs, you’ll see that those who identify as

Let’s Make Money: 4 Tactics for Agencies Looking to Succeed – Best of Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by rjonesx. We spend a lot of time discussing SEO tactics, but in a constantly changing industry and especially in times of uncertainty, the strategies agencies should employ in order to see success deserve more attention. In this popular (and still relevant) Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones discusses four essential success tactics that’ll ultimately increase your bottom line.  Russ also

Creative Diversification — More Hooks and Less Risk for Link Building

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Posted by GeorgeRoot As digital PRs we can often get stuck with our “campaign goggles” on, especially in the ideation and production stage of a creative campaign. By this I mean, you have a preconceived idea of where you’d like your campaign to be featured, what kind of headlines you want it to achieve, and

Fifteen Years Is a Long Time in SEO

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Posted by willcritchlow I’ve been in an introspective mood lately. Earlier this year (15 years after starting Distilled in 2005), we spun out a new company called SearchPilot to focus on our SEO A/B testing and meta-CMS technology (previously known as Distilled ODN), and merged the consulting and conferences part of the business with Brainlabs.

Desktop, Mobile, or Voice? (D) All of the Above — Best of Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by Dr-Pete Needless to say, we’re facing more and more complexity in our everyday work, and the answers to our questions are about as clear as mud. In the wake of the 2018 mobile-first index, and since more searchers are home and not on-the-go, we’re left wondering where to focus our optimization efforts. Is desktop

The MozCon Virtual Video Bundle Is Here (Plus, Our 2019 Videos are FREE!)

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Posted by cheryldraper This year’s MozCon was unlike any other. In the midst of a global pandemic, we pivoted from planning our traditional 1,600-plus in-person shindig to an online conference that ended up bigger and more well-attended than anything we’d done before. MozCon Virtual was a delightful journey into the unknown. Just a few of

Adjusting Paid Campaigns During a Recession

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Posted by ryanmoothart Our world changed dramatically in March of 2020 as a new viral threat to our livelihoods took hold in the United States and around the world. Here in the US (at the time of writing this post), COVID-19 has not relented Some industries have been more heavily affected than others. For example,

Using the Flowchart Method for Diagnosing Ranking Drops — Best of Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by KameronJenkins Being able to pinpoint the reason for a ranking drop is one of our most perennial and potentially frustrating tasks as SEOs, especially in 2020. There are an unknowable number of factors that go into ranking these days, but luckily the methodology for diagnosing those fluctuations is readily at hand. In this

Daily SEO Fix: Investigate Changes in Your Rankings with Moz Pro

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Posted by Ola.King As members of the Moz onboarding team — which gives one-on-one walkthroughs of Moz products to over 500 customers a month — we have our finger on the pulse of what people are asking for when it comes to SEO. We’re here to help you uncover the relevant Moz Pro features for

What Do Dolphins Eat? Lessons from How Kids Search — Best of Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by willcritchlow We’re bringing back this slightly different-from-the-norm Whiteboard Friday, in which the fantastic Will Critchlow shares lessons from how kids search. Kids may search differently than adults, but there are some interesting insights from how they use Google that can help deepen our understanding of searchers in general. Comfort levels with particular search strategies, reading